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Writer's pictureJoshua Minter

Kingdom Culture

Our calling is to serve as Cultural Catalysts to the entire world.

The Inspiring Journey of Cindy:

One night in South Africa, Joshua and Rachael were leaving a meeting when a woman named "Cindy" ran up to them, screaming at the top of her voice, "I've been trafficked, help me. They forced drugs into my system, and I can feel the withdrawals happening. I do not want to go back to them; they will put me back on the streets!"

Cindy proceeded to share her harrowing experience of being drugged while at her University in Bloemfontein after drinking a cold drink from the McDonald's on campus. She recounted the trauma she endured over a period of three weeks.

Cindy was the first woman rescued from the human trafficking industry after a year of actively searching the streets and brothels. Her rescue sparked a chain of women being liberated from the industry.

Cindy underwent a secret rehabilitation program in a remote location far from the city and was completely restored through the radical love of Jesus Christ.

During her time in rehabilitation, Cindy's story caught the attention of some politicians. At that time, the South African government was discussing the legalization of prostitution in the country, and Cindy was invited to speak about her experiences.

She detailed her unlawful trafficking, drugging, and sale on the streets, exposing the corruption she encountered. Her testimony ultimately influenced the vote, leading to a change in the country's laws and ushering in her Father's Kingdom.

This story motivates me to continue pursuing our Father's Kingdom above all else.

Using my preaching notes, I have crafted a brief blog post to shed light on key aspects of ushering in our Father's Kingdom and transforming the culture around us into more of a Kingdom Culture. My hope is to empower both you and me to become Cultural Catalysts...

The Role of Government in Society

Isaiah 9:6-7

“A child has been born for us; a son has been given to us. The responsibility of complete dominion will rest on his shoulders, and his name will be: the Wonderful One, the Extraordinary Strategist, the Mighty God, the Father of Eternity, the Prince of Peace! Great and vast is his dominion. He will bring immeasurable peace and prosperity. He will rule on David’s throne and over David’s kingdom to establish and uphold it by promoting justice and righteousness from this time forward and forevermore. The marvelous passion that the Lord Yahweh, Commander of Angel Armies, has for his people will ensure that it is finished!”


His government is endless

This is the Kingdom that Jesus has made accessible to us, representing the standard of acceptability for believers and those who decide to align with His purposes and authority.

The Promise of the Messiah

Acts 1:3-11

“Every time they were gathered together, they asked Jesus, “Lord, is it now the time for you to free Israel and restore our kingdom?” He answered, “The Father is the one who sets the fixed dates and the times of their fulfillment. You are not permitted to know the timing of all that he has prepared by his own authority.”

Knowing that the messiah would establish His kingdom, the Jews anticipated that it would happen by reestablishing Israel.

Jesus, however, had a different perspective on how His kingdom would reign, which He exemplified through His actions and teachings.

The Influence and Impact of Our Father

Mat 6:9-13

“Pray like this: ‘Our Beloved Father, dwelling in the heavenly realms, may the glory of your name be the center on which our lives turn.”

When Jesus instructed us to pray "OUR FATHER," everything took on a new meaning.

Realizing that Jesus has paved the way for us to address God as "Our Father" changes everything. The Kingdom of God is established within us when we understand our identity and belonging. We are God's children and co-heirs of His Kingdom.

Revival originates internally.

Transformation begins within us initially.

It's a reverse kingdom, commencing from within.

Be Transfigured

Luke 9:28-36

“As Moses and Elijah were about to return to heaven, Peter impetuously blurted, “Master, this is amazing to see the three of you together! Why don’t we stay here and set up three shelters: one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah?”

Peter caught a glimpse of the Kingdom of God and his thoughts returned to his familiar religious traditions.

Traditional ways of welcoming God

The Son of Man will have nowhere to rest His head

God introduces a new approach

A unique approach

The manifest Presence of God

Numbers 2:1-17

Instructions were given to the Israelites to camp around the tent of meeting

The disciples adopted a similar approach

God still desires us to prioritize hosting Him, encouraging us to move away from the traditions of gathering in church buildings or strictly following religious doctrines. He wants us to align our whole lives with welcoming Him, embracing His presence in our everyday activities.

Establishing His Kingdom:

Kingdom Ambassadors

2 Corinthians 5:11-21

God's righteousness

The work of reconciliation

We are called to emulate Jesus, who reconciled us to God. As His ambassadors, we urge others on behalf of Christ: Be reconciled to God.

Reviving the Adamic mandate

Reinstating the church/bride in her priestly function

Genesis 1:26-28

subdue the earth

The Seven Spheres/Mountains

The concept of the seven spheres or mountains represents the fundamental areas that influence society and culture. These spheres include economy, government, family, religion, media, education, and arts. Each of these spheres plays a vital role in society's functioning and impacts how individuals engage with one another and the world.


The economic sphere encompasses all activities related to the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services within a society. It serves as a significant driver of growth and development, affecting employment, income distribution, and overall prosperity.


The government sphere involves the systems and institutions responsible for governing a society. It includes various levels of government, such as local, regional, and national, and is crucial in creating and enforcing laws, regulations, and policies.


The family sphere is the foundational unit of society, providing emotional support, socialization, and care for its members. Families, in their diverse forms, contribute to the well-being and stability of individuals and communities.


Religion encompasses beliefs, practices, and values related to spirituality and faith. It plays a crucial role in shaping individuals' worldviews, moral frameworks, and sense of community and belonging.


The media sphere includes communication channels disseminating information and entertainment to a broad audience. It influences public opinion, shapes narratives, and acts as a watchdog for holding power accountable.


The education sphere imparts knowledge, skills, and values to individuals, preparing them for personal and professional success. It plays a critical role in shaping future generations and fostering critical thinking.


The arts sphere encompasses diverse creative expressions, enriching culture, fostering creativity, and providing avenues for self-expression and reflection, contributing to the vibrancy and diversity of society.

The Great Commission

Matthew 28:16-20

16 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go.17 When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

This passage from the Gospel of Matthew encapsulates the essence of the great commission given by Jesus to his disciples. It is a powerful call to action, a directive that transcends time and place, urging believers to spread the teachings of Christ to all corners of the world. The scene on the mountain in Galilee where Jesus appears to his disciples is a moment of profound significance, marking the transition from his earthly ministry to the commissioning of his followers to continue his work. The disciples' initial reactions of worship and doubt reflect the complex emotions that often accompany moments of divine revelation. Jesus' declaration of authority over heaven and earth establishes the foundation upon which the commission is built. The command to make disciples of all nations underscores the universal nature of the message of salvation, emphasizing inclusivity and outreach to diverse cultures and peoples. The act of baptizing in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit symbolizes the initiation of new believers into the community of faith, marking a spiritual rebirth and commitment to following Christ. The emphasis on teaching and obedience highlights the importance of not only spreading the gospel but also nurturing and guiding new disciples in their journey of faith. The promise of Jesus' eternal presence with his followers provides comfort and reassurance, reminding them that they are not alone in their mission but are supported by the divine presence throughout their endeavors. This commission is not just a command but a promise of companionship and empowerment as believers embark on the challenging yet rewarding task of sharing the good news of salvation with the world.

The challenge at hand is a profound one - to extend the Kingdom of God to every corner of the seven spheres that shape our society. This task involves the crucial mission of making disciples of all people, spreading the teachings of Jesus' Kingdom to each of these spheres. It is a calling that both you and I share, each with a unique role to play in ushering in a revival that will transform these areas in profound ways.

However, the journey towards revival must first begin within ourselves. True transformation starts by allowing God to ignite a revival in our own hearts and minds, leading us to become more like Christ in every aspect of our lives. As we embody the values and principles of His Kingdom, we will naturally start to influence the culture around us, bringing it closer to the divine blueprint of our Father God's Kingdom.

By living out the gospel message with power and authenticity, backed by signs and wonders that attest to the truth of Christ, we can make a tangible impact on the world around us. Every action we take, every word we speak, every interaction we have, becomes an opportunity to embody Christ and demonstrate the transformative power of His Kingdom. In doing so, we pave the way for a revival that will not only change individual lives but also reshape the very fabric of society to reflect the glory and love of our Heavenly Father.

7 Keys for Rebuilding the City

It’s an upside-down Kingdom where the principles of transformation are deeply rooted in the core of our identity as followers of Christ. The journey of transformation is not merely a surface-level change but a profound process that begins with a personal encounter with Jesus. This encounter serves as the catalyst for a fundamental realignment of our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions with the nature of Christ.

As we walk this transformative path with Christ, we are called to a journey of self-discovery and introspection. It is a process that demands a willingness to confront our deepest fears, insecurities, and limitations with the guidance and empowerment of the Holy Spirit. Through this process, we unearth the layers of our being, examining our values, priorities, and beliefs with a discerning eye.

True transformation is not a one-time event but a continual journey of growth and renewal. It requires a conscious decision to embrace internal change, allowing it to permeate every aspect of our lives. This internal shift then manifests externally, shaping our behaviors, relationships, and interactions with the world around us.

By focusing on nurturing our relationship with Christ and understanding our identity in Him, we tap into the transformative power of the Holy Spirit. This empowerment enables us to break free from old patterns, cultivate new perspectives, and live authentically in alignment with our true identity in Christ.

Ultimately, the most profound transformations are birthed from the transformative work of Jesus in our lives. It is through His grace and guidance that we are molded and shaped into individuals who reflect His love, truth, and light to the world.

Signs of a Transformed Mind

Romans 12:1-2

“Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes.”

The Power of Hope in Your Life

When a thought arises in your mind that fails to ignite a sense of hope within you, it often stems from a foundation of falsehood or misconception. This notion suggests that our beliefs and perceptions greatly influence our emotional responses and outlook on life. By recognizing that negative thoughts may be rooted in untruths, we can begin to challenge and reframe them. This process of introspection and self-awareness allows us to cultivate a renewed mindset that is resilient and optimistic in the face of adversity.

In times of difficulty or when things do not go as planned, embracing a positive perspective can be transformative. Instead of succumbing to despair or negativity, choosing to believe that every situation has the potential to unfold favorably can shift our energy and actions towards creating a more positive outcome. This shift in mindset is not about denying reality but rather about acknowledging the power of our thoughts in shaping our experiences.

By adopting a mindset that looks for the silver lining in every cloud, we open ourselves up to possibilities and solutions that may have otherwise gone unnoticed. This proactive approach to challenges empowers us to navigate life's ups and downs with resilience and grace. Ultimately, by choosing to believe in the inherent goodness of the future, we pave the way for a more hopeful and fulfilling journey ahead.

When the Impossible Seems Real

It is essential to have unwavering faith in the promises of God, for His word is unchanging and trustworthy. When we believe in the unprecedented promises of God, we are placing our trust in His divine plan and timing. Throughout history, God has shown His faithfulness in fulfilling His promises, often in ways that surpass human understanding. Therefore, when we hold onto the assurance that what God has promised will indeed come to pass, we are acknowledging His sovereignty and power over all things. This belief not only strengthens our faith but also allows us to rest in the certainty that God's will shall be accomplished, bringing about blessings and fulfillment beyond our imagination.

Living with Positive Speculations

In 2 Corinthians 10:5, the verse emphasizes the importance of actively engaging in a mental battle against thoughts and beliefs that contradict the truth of God. This battle involves not only recognizing and challenging arguments that oppose the knowledge of God but also taking captive every thought to align it with the teachings of Christ. It highlights the need for believers to be vigilant in guarding their minds against influences that stray from the principles of faith and righteousness.

When it comes to "what if" scenarios, having a renewed mindset plays a crucial role in shaping our responses to uncertain situations. A person with a transformed perspective consciously avoids dwelling on negative assumptions and instead chooses to view circumstances through a lens of hope and positivity. For example, if a spouse arrives home late from work, someone with a renewed mindset would resist the urge to immediately jump to negative conclusions.

Instead of succumbing to fear or doubt, they would consider alternative explanations rooted in optimism and trust. Rather than assuming the worst, such an individual might entertain thoughts like, "Perhaps there was an unexpected meeting at work that required her attention," or "Maybe she is getting a raise at work." This shift in thinking reflects a mindset that prioritizes faith over fear and seeks to find constructive and uplifting interpretations of events, even in the face of uncertainty.

Self-Love and Vulnerability

Understanding that in your weaknesses, God's strength shines through. Although my life isn't perfect, I appreciate the person God created me to be. My identity isn't solely defined by my strengths, but also by my weaknesses. There are areas where I lack proficiency that are integral to my being. When I am weak, that's when God's strength is most evident. Essentially, my identity is more influenced by my weaknesses as they lead me to rely on God for strength (2 Corinthians 12:9-10). Therefore, it's important to embrace and accept yourself!

Embracing Forgiveness and Grace

In other words, when faced with challenges or conflicts, you have the capacity to approach them with a mindset of love and understanding rather than harboring feelings of resentment or holding onto grudges. By choosing to address issues with love, you open up the possibility for constructive dialogue, empathy, and reconciliation. This approach can lead to healthier relationships, personal growth, and a more positive outlook on life. Embracing love as a guiding principle in conflict resolution can foster forgiveness, promote healing, and pave the way for genuine connection and emotional well-being. Letting go of grudges and choosing love as a response can bring about profound transformations in both your own life and in the dynamics of your interactions with others.

Embrace Confidence and Gratitude

When we express gratitude, we are not just acknowledging the receipt of something, but we are also recognizing the effort, kindness, or generosity that went into it. It signifies a humble acceptance of a gift or gesture that we did not necessarily deserve or earn. In this way, gratitude serves as a powerful reminder of our interconnectedness with others and the world around us.

By showing gratitude, we demonstrate our Fathers Kingdom and show our appreciation for His support, opportunities, or blessings that come our way. It is a way of recognizing His contributions in our lives and acknowledging the role of chance or circumstance in our successes. This act of acknowledgment not only fosters a sense of humility but also cultivates a deeper awareness of His presence in our lives.

In contrast, arrogance stems from a sense of entitlement or superiority, where one believes that they are inherently deserving of praise, recognition, or rewards. Arrogance often leads to a lack of appreciation for the efforts of others and a failure to recognize the role of external factors in one's achievements. On the other hand, confidence arises from a secure sense of self-worth and belief in one's abilities, without the need to belittle others or seek validation at the expense of humility.

Therefore, gratitude serves as a crucial distinction between arrogance and confidence. It is a virtue that not only enriches our relationships with others but also deepens our understanding of ourselves and the world. By embracing gratitude, we cultivate a spirit of humility, appreciation, and interconnectedness that transcends individual achievements and fosters a sense of community and mutual respect.

Embracing Trust and Giving the Benefit of the Doubt

Love always trusts, so a renewed mind assumes that others' actions are driven by love. This profound belief in the inherent goodness and Christ within people allows you to approach every interaction with a sense of compassion and understanding. By trusting in the love that others possess, you cultivate a mindset that sees beyond surface-level behaviors and perceives the deeper motivations rooted in kindness and care.

Anticipating that everyone's intentions and actions are guided by Christ's love transforms the way you engage with the world around you. It enables you to see the divine spark present in each individual, recognizing that every gesture, word, or decision is an opportunity to reflect the love of God. This perspective not only shapes your interactions but also influences the way you respond to challenges and conflicts, leading with grace and empathy.

When someone lets you down, your immediate response is to offer forgiveness, embodying the essence of unconditional love and grace. This act of forgiveness not only frees the other person from guilt and shame but also liberates your own heart from resentment and bitterness. In extending forgiveness, you create a safe and nurturing environment where love is the cornerstone, and Jesus' teachings of compassion and mercy are exemplified.

In essence, by embracing a mindset of trust, anticipating Christ's love in others, and practicing forgiveness, you establish a profound connection with the essence of love itself. This transformative approach not only fosters deeper relationships but also radiates a beacon of light and hope in a world that often craves understanding and acceptance.

My Prayer for You

You have been handpicked and set apart for a purpose that is uniquely yours, a destiny that only you can fulfill. In the Gods grand design for humanity, God has laid out wonderful plans for your life, filled with hope, promise, and purpose. He envisions a future where your deepest desires and highest ambitions align with His divine will, creating a ripple effect of transformation in the world around you. God eagerly looks forward to walking alongside you, guiding you as you navigate through life's challenges and triumphs. His heart is filled with love and compassion for you, cheering you on as you pursue your dreams and make a difference in the lives of others. Embrace this divine partnership with faith and courage, knowing that you are cherished and supported every step of the way. Trust in God's unfailing love and let it be the guiding light that leads you towards a future filled with purpose, joy, and fulfillment.

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